Modern Related Attachments, realized in 2013 & 2014

(Addition date: 8-17-2014) What’s becoming more visible and obvious as time goes on is the increasing realities–via current magazines, radio-informations, available foods, technological advances, & other items mentioned in this website, plus many other changes in human-existences–faced by humans still alive now (many lived most of their lives back in the 20th-Century–& had former realities).                                                         The following inclusions on this website are included to give some other informations heard-about or realized by the author after June 2011 through early 2014 (so far). Hopefully, these additions will provide various worldwide-readers with more indications of a switch NOW to emphasis on helpful-ACTS.                                                      Attachments Related To System-Information … these were first listed in April 2013 A primary reason these Attachments were added was to provide other sensible, reasonable  items; another point of these various Attachments is to provide readers with more explanations and understandings in the 21st-Century about the set-up and likelihood of this universal System.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            #1a) The definitions of the nouns “belief” and “faith”–plus the adjectival words “universal” and “forever”–are commonly-used in English nowadays.                  This item goes along with the 2nd Attachment here: that it could take up to 1 to 3 Centuries for a worldwide switch from beliefs-emphasis to helpful acts-emphasis (who knows how long that’ll take in specific, various places across the planet-Earth? … only the Eternally-Present, All-Knowing God [with NO UN-certainty] absolutely knows that). It is one example which reflects how thoroughly and broadly these days that the desire for (and assumption of) certainty is entrenched in human minds (not just through their religious beliefs). The definitions of the 4 words in this title are examples of one of the ways humanity has reduced the sense of UN-certainty for centuries and millenniums.                    The definitions of these 4 words mentioned in this title (from that 1993, 3rd edition of the “American Heritage College” dictionary) is indicative that it could take a long time for the transition from faiths-emphasis to helpful acts-emphasis; it could take a few centuries to occur worldwide.                                                                                                             First, the connected-ness of  the words “belief” and “faith” is still very evident in the dictionary-definitions–but it’s gradually being recognized now that beliefs are more susceptible to gradual change than “faiths” are–as a result of newer, physical evidence. (For example, for centuries it was commonly-believed that our planet was flat … but evidence from long boat-trips back in the 16th-Century eventually indicated that Earth was round. Since that evidence began, the recognition of the belief that the world was flat gradually-changed among people worldwide; but since that indication occurred back in the 16th-century, who (besides God) knows exactly now how long it took for that belief to change throughout the entire world? … it was also believed for thousands of years that this universe was “eternal”–strong evidence that this was untrue didn’t begin accumulating until the early 1960’s [an indication that even that worldwide-awareness could take much longer than the 50 years since that evidence occurred explains why there’s so many Attachments further on in this website which indicate the universe’s “inside time” reality–beginning about 13.7 to 13.798 billion years ago.])                               The word “forever” was defined in that dictionary as “a seemingly very long time”–this goes along with the formerly-assumed notion that eternal-ness is “inside time,” as humans are … & part of the first definition of “universal” in that dictionary is “Of, relating to, extending to, or affecting the entire world …” as if there is an obvious connection at this point  between Earth’s inside-time reality and the huge, entire universe.                             #1b) 4/25/13  A couple more Dictionary-definitions of “Eternal”                                 In a Free Online Dictionary, the first definition–nowadays in that dictionary–of “eternal”–is “Being without beginning or end; existing outside of time.” In older dictionaries a common definition of “eternal” was “time without end”; that definition included an eternality-feature of our universe–and thus included a taken-for-granted aspect that there is a relationship between eternality and the passage of time (particularly because those older definitions refer only to the “non-end” of time and ignores the “non-beginning” aspect of time); however, since the “Big Bang,” there’s gradually more and more dictionary-definitions which include the “outside of time” aspect of “eternality.” That gradual change in many dictionaries could take decades more after the previous concept by humans: that our  universe was eternal (and thus the assumed belief that an eternal-God was, like humans, “INSIDE time”).

   #2a): The switch nowadays from Phase 3 to Phase 4                                             As said previously in #1a, it could take up to 2 or 3 centuries for this new phase, with its simple system, to be agreed with by many people around the entire planet Earth. That estimate indicates a large human-factor of UN-certainty, in this case through our taken-for-granted lack of certainty about details of the future; people have to deal with the fact that people can’t know details about the  FUTURE (created by an eternally present, “outside-of-TIME”, all-knowing God)–like “if” or “when” certain things will happen. It could take 100, 200, 300 years–only the eternally-present, all-knowing God has certainty about when in the FUTURE this switch will occur in different places throughout the entire planet-Earth. Throughout human history, the much-desired sense of comforting certainty was accomplished by many people through dependence on their very strong inner faith–in order back then to achieve that sense of strong certainty … through various beliefs (about what different cultures believed was the divine system). Surely, “Helpful ACTS” do not provide a definite, future sense of 100% certainty (although helpful-ACTS can provide an INITIAL strong sense of absolute certainty). Here’s why: Unlike the well-known idea nowadays that “eternal” can be defined as “OUTSIDE of time,” humans are obviously “INSIDE time.” After years or decades of one’s life, helpful acts in one’s past CAN provide to each person at least a “close enough” sense of certainty.                                             #2b) 9-7-13 The 2 main reasons why this change was figured to take up to 2 or 3 centuries to spread worldwide.                                                                                      a) Prior to these two reasons, the initial reason for a lengthy switch from the centuries-long method of convincing people to change their beliefs … to gradually having people across the entire planet Earth engage in charitable, helpful ACTS is this:  In the 2012 Essay’s Introduction (in the subject “Phases”), it was said that back in the 3rd phase (the  previous 800-year”beliefs” phase), the attempt to quickly convince the people presently alive in front of the speaker–to a different belief or beliefs–was described as “normal.” But in this 4th phase it might take a lot longer worldwide, because the change  in people’s emphasis (and that of future relatives) would depend on their own gradual choices of helpful-ACTS-emphasis, not just their beliefs. 2 other explanations of a possible 200-year switch in this area is just below: The fact that now there is both knowledgeable-understandings of what life is like in various places across the entire planet Earth, and quick, easy, cheap communications from one continent to another .. as a result of major technological innovations, which are much more affordable and do-able worldwide. That is starting to happen these days due to the gradual switch from the 5-century book-writing (& publishing) method to a more-accessible, quicker, much briefer online-writing method as a result of what’s called the “digital revolution”… for the first time, there are very many worldwide languages accessible now to online readers.                                                  And the fact that there are still now–and have been for millenniums–an enormous  number of different religious beliefs. But this switch nowadays “makes sense”  because there is a worldwide appreciation of this same thing (the practice throughout our planet of various helpful actions) … rather then a slowly-lessening appreciation throughout the world of differing beliefs oriented toward each group of individuals in the many different cultures  worldwide. That could change at different paces–the estimate is that it could take up to 100, 200, or 300 years for this switch to happen across the entire planet.

3a) 11-4-13 This information was on the “Radio-Lab” article on the station KCFR back on Saturday.                                                                                                         The title of this article on the radio was “emergence”: It began by describing the fact that in Thailand, in the many trees next to rivers, there were often thousands of fireflies in each tree; all the fireflies in each tree would illuminate at the same time, which would produce a large lighting there–the difference is that fireflies in the U.S.A. all illuminate from time to time, but not all at the same time. Further on in the article, different but similar “emergences” would be described as occurrences in crowds of ants, termites, and bees–the illustration was that individual creatures in these species didn’t have the intelligence to accomplish more complex tasks, but there were correlations among many creatures to achieve certain accomplishments (which were titled “emergences”). Later in the article, a connection between “emergences” in many insects–and the limitations  of individual insects–was followed by the limitations of individual neurons in a single human brain. And the “emergences” by many of the billions of neurons to quickly determine simple things   (like the smell, and existence of things like “coffee”). This illustrates the idea of  UN-certainty … what (or WHO) is connected to the difference between individual-abilities in different species (and neurons) and the abilities for “emergence” of accomplishments of many insects in a specie–or the “understandings” possible through many neurons??                                                                                 #3b) 4-7-14 Another explanation of the ENORMOUS length of the 4.5 billion year existence of planet Earth from a “Radio-Lab” article on KCFR on 3-29-14.  … that “Radio-Lab” explanation of the two current theories of the ending of dinosaurs on planet Earth 66.09 million years ago, and the theory that mammals began evolving then too.                                                                                                  The article was about the very brief extermination of all Dinosaur species 66.09 million years ago–the previous explanation over the last couple decades was that it took roughly about 900,000 years 66 million years ago for the worldwide-extinction of such an extremely-large species. . . . But recent evidences led to the idea that it only took about 2-3 hours for the extinction of dinosaurs to occur across the planet (due to an asteroid landing on Earth [and then … resulting from much sand around the asteroidal-impact turning into gas as a result of great heat; then moving into space; then returning as very small bits of glass-due to gravity-onto the entire planet Earth–and the heat-increase on the entire planet is estimated as increasing initially to 300, 400, 500 degrees, and quickly topping out at 1200 degrees. Such an incident resulting from an  asteroidal impact explains why such a huge species–that had been on Earth for millions of years–could be completely-exterminated so quickly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         #4)  4-26-13 A major cause of Atheism-Increase worldwide nowadays               The increase in atheistic-beliefs over the last century is due to both a much-larger availability of information about different people across the globe … plus, along with the assumption that–like humans–a supposed, EXISTING God would also be affected by “inside-TIME” reality. But now that evidence indicates that our entire universe began inside-time (about 13.7 billion years ago), it “makes sense” that an ETERNAL God could well-exist (& choose to create the universe we humans.          The supposed opposite to religious beliefs–atheism (belief that God DOESN’T exist) has-like the very different beliefs in religious ones–partially-aimed at achieving the  comforting, much-desired, human feeling of total 100% certainty. The concept that atheism is ALSO a belief is a connection between these supposed opposites throughout human history.                                                                                                                                                               Part of the increasing sense of atheism nowadays among humans is the enormous amount of information about human lives that people in more-developed countries now have access to; particularly as a result of increasing specific scientific areas of examination and information-increase resulting from increased technological abilities. But now that evidence has provided more of the aspect of certainty about the entire universe that people desire … like its non-eternal age, continuing expansion, estimated number of galaxies, and size; the gathering of almost all of the comforting, human desire for certainty in human existence (by both of these very different believers) can be achieved by very-differing believers through actions to help other people get through their lives.

#5) 4/27/13 Another Cause of Atheism-Increase worldwide nowadays                    In addition to the previous mention of the  information-increase worldwide nowadays (which has contributed to the atheism-increase nowadays too–since the common concept has been for thousands of years that even an eternal-God is, like humans, INSIDE time [since our universe was, like God, also thought to be “eternal”), this second cause of atheism-Increase nowadays has occurred for this reason: humans have more and more of the technological-abilities nowadays to view and work with smaller and smaller factors (increasing examples are the known varying  numbers of genomes in different species, microbes, tiny atom parts, and more). So the millennial human assumption of the great-difference  between God’s level of “knowings” and the human “knowings” has strongly been reduced among many humans now. So now more and more people conclude that this indicates there is NOT a God.

And because of greater familiarity more so by scientists now–than other humans–of things like the tiny biological aspects of humans, plus the millions of microscopic matter-parts–plus the much-desired “certainty” that people feel from atheistic beliefs–it figures that now approximately 3 of 5 scientists have an atheistic belief.                                   Because of the increasing atheistic beliefs (plus the increasing information about tragedies in our entire world–and the increasing intensity of many worldwide beliefs), it makes sense that there would be a switch now from an emphasis on “beliefs” … to a greater sense of certainty worldwide through a larger emphasis on charitable, helpful acts.

#6a) 4-28-13 The millenniums-long “what’s going on?”concept                                For thousands of years, much wonderment has risen in humanity related to this basic question about human life: “What’s going on?” Here’s the logical answer: Now that we know things like the huge size of our universe, the discovery centuries ago that our planet was not flat but round (plus many other understandings), that question can be answered … and it makes sense that humanity could now achieve (through helpful acts toward others) an understanding of a thorough, “close-enough” answer to that question (“what’s going on?”)                                                                                                                     #6b) 4-29-13 A related aspect of the “close enough” factor                                      This concept was mentioned in the introduction: The “close enough” metaphorical conclusion of a 92% to 98% estimate of the reasonable nature of this description–because of the impossibility of a “perfect” sense of CERTAINTY by humans about every detail of the system set up by God–the switch from beliefs to helpful ACTS also makes sense now. Similarly, it’s impossible for the inside-time humans  to be absolutely CERTAIN that ALL helpful acts will–throughout the future–provide perfect positive benefits (since we humans are “inside time”–though the benefits almost always contain a seemed-certainty early) But it seems that helpful acts are also repeatedly in one’s life, “close enough” to a sense of CERTAINTY  … as is the likely universal system described in the book-text and essay.

#7) June 2013 … This attachment  relates to this “question & answer” item in the 2012 essay–(Are there other universes? “maybe yes, maybe no”)                     In the Dec. 2012 Discover magazine, in the article “When Universes Collide,” there’s this, on p. 74: “Matthew Johnson of the Perimeter Institute in Ontario conducted the most exhaustive survey last year, but his results have been equivocal at best. His team identified eight possible disc-shaped features in WMAP (that’s an abbreviation of Wilkinson Microwave Anistrophy Probe) images warranting follow-up analysis …”. This quote illustrates the current status of the “maybe yes, maybe no” aspect of the question “Are there other universes?” in the 2012 Essay. Even though humanity has reached the realizations at various times over the last 300 or so years that there IS definitely our solar system, our galaxy, and this universe, this Discover quote backs up the idea that an aspect of uncertainty DOES exist about the divine system. And thus a large amount of certainty can be enjoyed by humans through helpful actions rather than through various beliefs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           #8) 5-18-13 Info of likely-system’s simplicity  vs. increasing human awareness of details about Earthly-lives.                                                                                       The increase recently in knowledge of scientific details about individual humans in many countries is illustrated by this: Total genomic-sequencing initially took 13 years from 1987 to 2000, and cost about 3 billion dollars.  A U.S. scientist named Watson (who, with the scientist Crick, first discovered some aspects of the DNA existence in 1953) was the first human to receive a complete genome-sequencing in 2007 (each human seems to have a total of about 750,000 genes). It’s estimated that the price for each complete genomic sequencing will reduce to about $1,000 by the end of this year; and will continue to have significant price-reduction over the next 5 years–which would result in many more people being able to attain genome-sequencing. These enormous number of details would result in people who receive that sequencing to have a following life in which one  could eventually, POSSIBLY develop a disease that their sequencing would reveal as possible. This increasing development of individual’s details would result in an aspect of UN-certainty about future life for many more people who DON’T yet receive genome-sequencing. This backs up the idea of a simple divine system consisting of certainty vs. UN-certainty, in which various helpful ACTS by individuals would enable them to have more of the desired CERTAINTY about aspects of their lives.  A related sense of definite certainty is that we’re ALL going to die at some point eventually, (however, the uncertainty-aspect is that people rarely know exactly when that’s going to happen. But while the ENORMOUS number of genomic details about one individual’s life provide some increased certainty in that individual, it makes sense that the certainty which applies to EVERY person worldwide (since each person has so many genes) reflects the applicable simplicity of this universal system–since humans cannot keep in mind the nature and future-effect of every one of 750.000 genes .

#9a) 5-24-13 The beliefs that God is all-knowing & all-powerful makes sense now–it’s rational.
Now that evidence indicates that this is a huge universe “inside time” (about 13.7 billion years old, and with billions of galaxies), it makes sense that there is an eternal God that is both all-powerful (the billions of galaxies support that idea) and all-knowing … a God which created a vast universe, and set up this apparent, simple system for intelligent creatures. Now that scientific evidence points to the realization that only eternality is “outside of time,” it figures that an eternal,  “outside of time” God (who created a vast universe) is also all-knowing.
Those two concepts (that God is all-powerful and all-knowing) are obviously beliefs, but they are two sensible beliefs now.                                                                                   That these were formerly beliefs during the previous millenniums  is reflective of the idea that the former assumption by many humans was that God was similar to humans in these two areas–since humans were obviously inside time and had various, limited knowings. But now that, in addition to the various telescoped evaluations which indicate–since the 1970’s–that there are actually billions of galaxies across this universe, many scientists have estimated that there are  sextillions (21 zeroes) of planets across the universe. Also, there has been gradually-increasing evidence over the last 50-70 years of the enormous numerical realities about planet Earth; one small example is in Attachment #7, which talks about the hundreds-of-thousands of genes in each person. Another minor factor (of the hundreds which are much-known now) is that, across Earth, there are at least dozens of parasitic species of wasps. Such things–determined on just a single one so far of the sextillions of planets throughout the universe–leads many people toward the rational concept that an eternal God-who created all the galaxies in this universe–isly all-knowing.   #9b) 10-4-13 Another logical, rational back-up to the idea that the eternal God is all-knowing.                                                                                                                    As mentioned previously in the 2011 book, it could take up to 200 years for a switch from beliefs-emphasis to helpful-acts emphasis to occur worldwide. This 9b) addition is to acknowledge that it could take only 200 (or maybe even 300!) years for that to occur …this emphasizes the fact that the key aspect of human UN-certainty is the obvious factor that humans can’t know when in the future something could happen (especially in the distant future.) Only the eternally present, outside-of-time God–who is ALL-KNOWING–knows all the “when’s” exactly (or the extent to which) that switch will gradually occur.

#10) 6-15-13 An Item which supports the idea of a transition from beliefs to charitable, helpful ACTS … rather than simply to “charity.”                                       In the 2nd chapter of the 2011 book, and toward the end of the 2012 Essay, it’s mentioned that a common religious phrase by the 1950’s in the U.S. was this: “faith, hope, charity” … and that there was now a needed switch in emphasis–from belief as #1 to charity as #1. The reason for this #9 Attachment (in this year 2013) is to clarify that the switch in emphasis nowadays has to be to helpful ACTS. That was certainly a major aspect of the practice of charity during the last 2000 years, but because there is a much greater, widespread accumulation of money nowadays, it is sensible to emphasize that the enormously-larger number of poorer people worldwide (even, in wealthier countries, the many various middle-class people), can all often participate in this System too by providing to others helpful actions (since the vast majority of helpful ACTS don’t require lots of money). A quote related to the switch is this one by the current Dalai Lama: “It’s not enough to be compassionate; you must act.”

#11) 6-18-13  Three May 2013 quotes in Discover magazine which provide another indicator of the universal UN-certainty.                                                                       In the article “Confronting the Dark,” covering the vast amount of “dark energy & dark matter” throughout the universe (71% of it was said to be of “dark energy,” and 24% was said to be of “dark matter”), the first quote here was by the Australian astronomer Brian Schmidt: “Calculating how far away a galaxy lies is tough”, Schmidt notes, because “ ‘it’s not like you can lay down rulers between us and them.’ ” A later statement in the article was this: “As the density of matter in the universe has steadily dropped, the universe’s expansion has sped up. … Despite such insights, physicists remain in the dark about dark energy’s origins.” The last Schmidt quote was at the end of the article: “To explain why the cosmological constant is there, we’ll need another Einstein — and we just don’t know when that brilliant insight will come. It could happen tomorrow, but it could take another 150 years.”                                                                                                                     That article backs up the idea that while people have now reached a definite sense of geographic-certainty about planet Earth (the centuries-long geographical-question “What’s going on?” has now been answered on Earth) … but there is still a lot of UN-certainty about the entire universe in this subject.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    #12a) 6-23-13 Sensible Time-Frames Attachment                                          Scientific evidence now indicates that this universe is about 13.7 billion years old (NOT eternal), and our solar system is about 4.55 billion years old (which is a little less than1/3 of the age-length of the universe). So the following lengthy time-factors about human evolution and development make sense–it’s reasonable and understandable.   First, it’s estimated that the non-modern human-species first began evolving roughly 6-7 million years ago. Roughly over the next 4.5 million years (in that 6 to 7 million-year-old beginning of human evolution), human species (particularly as their brain-sizes increased over much time) have been named as these: Orrorin tugenensis, Ardipithecus ramidus; and after those, a number of Australopithecine species; then, Homo Habilis (about 2.3 million years ago)–the initial Homo Erectus species.   And about 1.3 to 1.8 million years ago, the next Homo Erectus species began settling throughout Africa, and also moving to Europe and Asia. Anatomically-modern humans evolved from archaic Homo sapiens in the Middle Paleolithic era, about 200,000 years ago (that’s only .0043956% of the estimated-length of our solar system). Here’s a more meaningful indicator of this factor for humans (who can more-easily relate to a lengthy–but much briefer–time-period: the mathematical-relationship between the previous 2,000 years–when Jesus was alive–(compared to those much-lengthier time-periods of the universe and our solar-system).                           1.1 to 1.6 million years after the Homo Erectus species began settling throughout Africa–and in Europe and Asia–anatomically-modern humans evolved from archaic Homo sapiens about 200,000 years ago.                                                                                   These current measurements which indicate the relatively-brief time-frames of human existence compared to the universal and solar system time-lengths are sensible back-ups of the likely divine system (described in this website) set up by an ETERNAL God throughout vast universe which was created about 13.798 billion years ago.                   12b) 9 -2-13 A recent discovery in Greenland due to human technological-abilities nowadays.                                                                                                                    This is being added in this attachment because its recent discovery provides a very different subject-area which complies with the anthropological evidence (in 12a) of the  enormous time-length of developments on planet Earth. This story was on National Public Radio (NPR) in the USA at 4:43 and 6:43 P.M. on 8-29-13: Radars in certain airplanes traveling over Greenland were able to discover the existence of a huge river valley about 2 miles below the present observable ice. That river-valley began in the center of far-northern Greenland, and extended all the way to the ocean; it  was twice the length of the Grand Canyon in Arizona USA, and about half its height. It is estimated to have formed a little over 4 million years ago. Back then there were only australopithecine human-species on Earth–they evolved prior to the later species of homo habilis (the species which first showed up about 2.3 million years ago–which was much more similar to the current human species–homo sapiens–than australopithecines were 4 million years ago). Also, anthropological evidence certainly indicates that human species didn’t leave Africa till more than 2 million years went by after that Greenland river-valley formed … which indicates that no very-human-species were there during the formation of that valley.

#13) 6-27-13 Other beliefs about God which now seem mentally logical after the previous millenniums.                                                                                                    This attachment was added to summarize some of the major BELIEFS by humans throughout planet Earth during the previous thousands of years so they could achieve a greater sense of certainty: Back in the attachment 8 in May 2013, it was  brought up that this belief (that God is all-knowing and all-powerful) makes sense. It was also talked about–in the 2012 Essay–that evidence now indicates the universe is NOT eternal, the concept “outside of time” is increasingly applied NOT to our universe, but to eternality (as reflected increasingly in dictionary-definitions of eternality); it makes sense too that the eternal God is also in an eternal present.  This #12 Attachment focuses on two other beliefs: that God does EXIST (which has been very moderately indicated by scientific discoveries–the sudden much-faster-than-the-speed-of-light factor at the apparent-beginning of the universe 13.7 billion years ago); and secondly, that God is everywhere. Much older, centuries-length beliefs (that Earth was the center of this universe, and that the universe is only about 6,000 years old) have now been disproved … plus results of assumed human-projections, such as that God is basically “Male.”                                                               These both positive and negative belief-items back up the idea that this short, simple system–which emphasizes helpful ACTS to achieve certainty now–could take up to 200 years to be accepted worldwide by both religious and atheistic believers … since most people have relied for millenniums on beliefs (rather than the worldwide-simulation to almost all the viewing humans in different cultures of helpful  ACTS) to achieve a sense of certainty.

#14) 7/5/13 Strong indicator of 21st-Century switch from emphasis on beliefs  to emphasis on helpful-acts.                                                                                         A common religious phrase in the U.S back in the mid-20th-Century was “faith, hope, charity”–that phrase explains the 800-year long emphasis on Earth; it also indicates the 1,2,3-order back then of the emphasis of beliefs before a greater emphasis on the importance of charity. A more-thorough explanation of the current switch in emphasis from the older phrase is through this related phrase–“charitable helpful-acts, hope, faith.” Beginning in the 1940’s, the successful Christian book “Guideposts” began being published. But evidence of the transition in emphasis now is an area included in that book every month last decade titled “Pass It On.” Its subtitle is “PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE” (I don’t know how long that department existed–it was probably in Guideposts for a couple decades. There’s probably been a gradual increase of charitable helpful-acts-articles in that monthly magazine over the last few decades).

#15) 7/14/13 A 21st-Century “Digital Revolution” factor                                              A new factor on Earth was first heard on the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Radio-Hr. yesterday, on NPR (National Public Radio in the U.S.): The estimate mentioned that there was up to 100,000 people which accomplished the huge tasks worldwide historically (things like the 138 pyramids in Egypt from 687 BC back to 2670 BC, the Panama Canal in Central America in the 19th Century, and the U.S. placement of a man on the moon in the1960’s.) But this question came up on this TED radio-hr: If 100,000 people can put a man on the moon, what could 100 million people do?? There can be that many people available worldwide now who can be contacted through computer and cell-phones contacts via the Internet … they could voluntarily collaborate to provide–throughout the world–much of the information needed for the 61 language-translations available on this website through the company “Google” (the ability to access those languages was mentioned in the beginning on this website).

#16) 7/15/13 An example of the current “Changing World”                                   First, a non-related factor of the explanation on this website (it’s just indicative … ‘cause it only reflects a switch in one country, the U.S.): The modern trend from paper-records to a “digital revolution” is indicated by the fact that a few years back, a vast majority of U.S. doctors had printed medical records which reflected the various conditions and  examinations of patients (specific item: 4 years ago pharmaceutical-medications in the U.S. were prescribed 93% on written papers; now that’s under 50%.  Apparently, the slight majority of U.S. doctors (and many U.S. hospitals) now often have digital records of patients.                                                                                                                         Here’s a factor related to the explanation on this website (that switch from beliefs-emphasis to helpful-acts emphasis across much of the entire planet Earth): An article in the June 2013 edition of “National Geographic” was about Mount Everest, on the border of the Asian countries Nepal and China; (it’s the highest mountain on this planet–the first ascent to the very top of that peak did  not occur until 1953 … by Edmund Hillary and his Sherpa, Tenzing Norgay); a 2013 National Geog. article, subtitled “THE NEW AGE OF EXPLORATION,” contained this following weird reality in the description of the Mt. Everest ascent-route: This #15 Attachment-information was added to illustrate the extent to which the current worldwide availability of this website’s explanation exists: The Base Camp of Mt. Everest (at 17,290 feet of altitude), contains, in addition to hot bucket showers and fresh baked goods … Internet-access (!!!)

 #17) 8-4-13 More info about the universe, heard today on the “TED radio-hr.” In 1929 the astronomer Hubble concluded that our expanding universe would eventually–due to the action of gravity–begin gradually contracting. That concept was accepted in the scientific-community for  about 70 years; but then in 1998-99, the search-teams of the astro-physicists Adam Riess and Saul Perlmutter found evidence that our universe’s galaxies were accelerating in their expansion (rather than expanding less quickly due to the effect of gravity). Along with the astro-physicist Brian P. Schmidt, those two won the Nobel prize in physics in 2011. It was stated that, because of continuing expansion of the universe, it was previously figured that due to people would eventually look upward from Earth and see no other galaxies in space–this backs up (in the human future) both the UN-certainty concept and the “What’s going on?” question about our universe.               The first two quotes in the May 2013 issue of Discover magazine, by the Australian astronomer Brian Schmidt–mentioned that our universe consisted of about 71% of “dark energy.” This #16 attachment (from the TED radio hr. on 8-4-13) contains the totally different statement that the “dark energy” amount in the universe is ENORMOUSLY fractional … it only consists of about 120 zeroes after a digital-period, then followed by the number 1–here’s why: it was based on a more recent conclusion that more “dark energy” (than the very tiny amount described above)  would destroy all future sun and planets right away; thus  a higher level of “dark energy” would have eliminated all the galaxies in OUR universe. Other ideas expressed in that TED radio-hr. was that there were 4 billion stars in just our Milky Way galaxy. Plus, theoretical-physicist Brian Greene figured there might well be an infinite number of universes throughout space.                                                           These later ideas about our universe (plus the possible space beyond it) backs up the “UN-certainty” issue figured in the SYSTEM set-up, and the continual application of the unanswerable question “What’s Going On?” (now only unanswerable about our universe, not the historical & former geographical make-up of our planet Earth); and the “maybe yes, maybe no” response to the question: “Are there other universes?” … in the 2012 Essay.

#18) 9-2-13 A “Radio-Lab” subject on KUNC in the USA on 8/31/13– titled “things we know, and things we can’t know”–provides specific-realities related to the “certainty vs. UN-certainty” concept of the likely divine System set-up.                    1) The first subject in the article was this: “we can’t measure pain”. Doctors ask patients what their pain-level is (based on numbers from 1 to 10, with #1 being very little pain, and #10 being very severe pain)–but the subject described how varied–and somewhat mistaken–the estimates by individuals are.                                                                           2) In the thousands of differing species of animals, we can only notice the various amounts of empathy & the apparently weird behaviors (such as in certain insect-species-reactions) 3) We can’t understand things like murders.  (Like the initial concept of pain, the statement “things we know, and things we can’t know” reflects the multiple varieties of understandings–by many different humans–of murder.                                                 4) This fourth subject involves comedic-improvisation … it was connected to the fact of the unknown future in human lives.

These previous four specific examples of the UN-certainty in human life on Earth back up the idea that UN-Certainty was originally installed back in the divine System’s creation–these specific-examples also support the idea that humans were able to provide themselves much more of a desired sense of certainty throughout previous millenniums by formulating various religious-beliefs. (Certainty results in much less anxiety in humans.)

#19) 10-4-13                                                                                                                   The first book published by Will Durant (in 1935)–of his many books which described millions of details–was this: The book is titled “The Story Of Civilization”–it’s subtitle is “Our Oriental Heritage”.  (Most of Durant’s future books were about Europe’s 15th to 19th Centuries.)   The introduction of the book is titled “THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CIVILIZATION”–the book is being recommended here because the first 6 chapters (especially Chapter 6) particularly-reveal the beginning of the history of civilization on Earth … which gradually resulted in the current inventions, technological and economic advances, educations, and the population-increase throughout planet Earth; the technological-advances over the last century, plus the development of educational-contents (which eventually enabled this author to discern and describe the likely divine System). … The content of the final chapter of this book illustrates 4,000 years about the gradual development of civilization on Earth.                                                                 (Over the next 4 decades, Will Durant wrote 11 books about the history of civilization–they varied from 772 page-numbers long to the1049 page-numbers of this first book.) Next entered in these “Attachments” beginning in 12-16-13.                                                                                 In the final Chapter of the author’s first book–the 2011 book titled “Helpful Acts In New Phase”– there were 11 Attachments previously put in Chapter 6 of the Book (that chapter has been removed from the book-text on this website) … 8 of those–#’s 20 through 27–are being entered here.

#20 … There was a book that came out back in 1926, titled “The Absolute At Large,” by a Czech author named Karel Capek. It’s mentioned here because it clearly indicates the extent to which the projection of much-increased, human-like qualities onto God had often occurred up till that time. In fact, its humor partly consisted of exaggerating that projection much further than had commonly been done before by humans, and exaggerating the goings-on among the human groups that ran religions.                  Its weird, funny effect originated with the fact that, up till that time, the connection between human-like qualities and the much larger God-qualities was mostly taken for granted: Its comedy also largely involved projecting onto an all-powerful God the business-aspects existing in human businessmen.                                                 But now that we have verifiable scientific data–which backs up the the “Big Bang” theory–indicating that only God is in an eternal-present (and in an incredibly large universe), projecting enhanced human-type qualities onto a God (as this 1926 book did) doesn’t fit-in anymore.

#21 … In the March 2011 issue of the scientific magazine Discover, there’s an article titled “Physics of the Divine.” Next to the title there’s this intro-subtitle: “A group of scientists are embarking on a controversial search for God within the fractured logic of quantum physics.” Naturally this idea is somewhat controversial nowadays.

#22 … There was an interview in the May 2011 issue of The Sun with a guy named Singer, who is an Australian professor. Toward the end of the interview, he said he was an atheist–because, he stated, an all-benevolent, all-good God wouldn’t allow all the suffering on Earth by people and animals, or the natural disasters that cause suffering (like  droughts).                                                                                             His atheistic choice reflects an understandable  assumption for a guy raised in the twentieth century. But now that we can figure that an existent, eternal God is “outside of time,” (since the 1960’s, when evidence indicated that our universe was NOT eternal, and therefore was “inside time” too, like us humans) we can see that the all-good concept can apply to God, even though it’s apparent to humans “inside time “ that the all-benevolent aspect doesn’t exist in the assumed ” inside-time” God.  

#23 … In the December 2008 issue of Discover magazine–there is this sentence: “Physicists don’t like coincidences.” In chapters 1 and 3 of the original 2011 book, it was noted that all people like the definiteness of opposites, which fits with the evolution of the human brain–this indicates that people much prefer certainty, rather than the possible UN-certainty of various “coincidences.” The Discover quote indicates how strongly that factor applies to scientists, too.

#24 … On Christmas 2009, above Detroit, a terrorist suicide-bomber’s bomb didn’t explode (if it had, 269 people would likely have  been killed). If every one of those bombs exploded, many people would think it was certainly a miracle that this one didn’t; but since probably about 2 out of 40 of these bombs don’t explode, it was seen by many people as a very lucky coincidence in this case. This also backs up the idea that the first method of God, described in this book’s third chapter–that everything in the category of possible coincidence has to look as if it could have been a coincidence–is a sensible one.

#25 … Professor Steven Goldman of Lehigh University–in lecture 25, section 6 covering DNA, in the CD collection “Science in the 20th Century,” in “The Great Courses” group–made this remark: “There must be some kind of foreman (that’s a very spiritualistic notion).” … Even though God’s existence is anathema to many scientists so far–since spiritual beliefs are often viewed as “opposite” to reason–but the scientific data-indicators collected via modern technological methods result in the following: The “Big Bang.” 13.7 billion years ago  POINTS TO the next item–the “rapid inflation” in which the universe went from a dot about the size of an atom to the possible size of a galaxy during a very short fraction of the initial second of the “Big Bang.” That  second “points to” item indicates the likely existence of God. Like evolution, God’s existence can’t be proven … but certain provable data “points to”  another “points to” item … of God’s existence.

#26 … There’s a book called “After The Ice.” It’s sub-title is “A Global Human History 20,000–5000 BC.” The author is an English archaeologist named Steven Mithen. He described what he figures (based on the specific archaeological findings  discovered all over the planet since about 1950) was the way small groups lived back then. One way he does that is by pretending that an English archaeologist named John Lubbock–who wrote a fairly popular book back in 1865 called Prehistoric Times–traveled all over the world and visited a bunch of the small groups from 20,000 to 5000 BC.                                                                                                               The “After the Ice” book describes the lives of people living right after the LGM (Latest Glacial Maximum); it describes the hunter-gatherer groups that existed exclusively till an estimated 10,000 BC, which is about when people started living in the same place and started practicing agriculture for the first time. Until around 1840 or so, almost every Christian thought the universe was only a little over 6,000 years old. But his book makes it clear that people were living throughout this planet a great amount of time, much more than 20,000 years.                                                                            One other thing that the “After the Ice” book provides is a humility-reminder: it indicates that generation after generation lived their lives over and over for thousands of years even before writing began (around 3500 BC), and thus also long before writing about the history of people began. The huge disparity between the last 2,000 years–which is very lengthy for humans–and the actual age of the universe explains one reason why many people believe there is no God. But now we have scientific evidence which indicates that only God (not the universe, as thought by most scientists before the 1960s) is eternal. The major definition of “eternal” has increasingly–in the last few decades–included “outside of time.” 13.7 billion years is an extreme length to us humans … but when you’re in an eternal present as God is, that huge time-length must be basically irrelevant.

#27 … In the 2011 book’s (“Helpful Acts In New Phase”)  first chapter, it was said that souls were eternal, and likely existed inside God before there was a universe. But if only God existed then, what about physical beings, like humans? Here’s a reasonable, explanation nowadays …The atoms that make up various physical elements throughout the universe are at least extremely long-lived–billions of years old–but are often configured in temporary ways. For instance, the configuration of atoms that constitutes a human body is put together that way, typically for 100 or fewer years. After death, if the body is buried, those atoms eventually become part of the soil; if the body is burned, most atoms become part of the atmosphere, and its ashes part of the soil. No matter how the body is dealt with, the law of the conservation of mass prevails: Matter is neither created nor destroyed. It’s transformed.

#28 4-30-14  The Fibonacci number-sequence discussed in the May 2014 issue of Discover magazine … was  brought up back in the 2011 book (titled “Helpful Acts In New Phase”).                                                                                    The answer in that May 2014 Discover issue was to this question by a reader: “Can you tell me why a spiral design seems omnipresent in our natural world and in the universe? I see this pattern in plant tendrils, flowers and leaves, pinecones, the unfurling of needles, as well as in astronomy.”                                                    Here’s part of the answer in the magazine: “The florets in in a sunflower head also form two spirals, but there’s no rotation here–it’s simply an efficient packing solution for the plant. With 55 florets running clockwise and 34 counterclockwise, the sunflower is an example of a pattern of numbers called the Fibonacci sequence, named after the medieval mathematician who popularized it. …”                                 The Fibonacci sequence was first described on p.42 in the 2011 book in Chapter 3, and is in the book’s text on this website. The Fibonacci-description began in 2011 with this brief introductory statement–“Here’s a historical factor that supports the first “coincidence” method:” … That’s being mentioned here because it’s much-related to a later sentence in the Discover question-answer … after the Fibonacci-sequence description: “But since nature’s swirly patterns result from a few different mechanisms, the phenomenon is likely coincidence more than some underlying physical property of the universe.”

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