2nd, 2 Scientific Indications of System-Creator’s Existence–Plus 2 Likely, “Logical” Factors NOW About that Creator’s Condition

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The main, first focus in this section is on the likely existence of the Universal System’s Creator.                                                                                                                              A major factor, according to the  later, influential scientific method (formulated by Sir Francis Bacon in 1620 … in his book Novum Organum), is that things can’t be PROVEN if such things occurred before observations could be spread among people (before practices on Earth like writing, and maybe even speech, became possible–and, expectedly, that also applies to Eternal concepts.) The phrase used in this website’s section is that such things can only be “pointed to,” not PROVEN. A similar example is this: In 1859, the theory of evolution was proposed in a book by Charles Darwin. According to the scientific method, human evolution could only be “pointed to,” not proven, because it occurred so long ago; but hundreds of observations over the last century did prove the evolution of many smaller species. Those many observations did “point to” the likelihood of a  human evolution.                                                         Eventually, in the early 1960’s, there was observable, scientific data which provided 2 major “points to” indications of God’s existence: Observable, provable data that is related to the existence and continual expansion of a huge universe has indicated the likelihood of the beginning of the Universe (not eternality)–referred to as the “Big Bang”– about13.798 billion years ago. And a reasonable estimate is claimed by many physicists: that some evidence indicates that very early in the first second of the “Big Bang” (1-43 to 1-37–this indicates 43 to 37 “point-zeroes” in the first second) the universe expanded from the small size of an atom to that of a galaxy …. or  somewhat smaller (the fact that the level of expansion can’t be “provable” backs up the idea that “UN-certainty” in intelligent-species is part of the divine creation-method). That makes sense … because the existence of the possibility of UN-certainty can result in a very large sense of appreciation of the “close enough” feeling of Certainty”  by intelligent-species–by performing helpful ACTS throughout the Universe. Many physicists have concluded that during the creation of particles very early in the first second that the universe was undergoing a very fast rate of expansion, much faster than the supposed fastest speed–the speed-of-light.               Those two factors–the creation of our universe, and the possibility of a much-faster-than-the-speed-of-light occurrence–“point to” the existence of God. This “points to”-element differs significantly-less obvious than human-evolution in the following way: Hundreds of provable, observable data of the evolution of other smaller species now “point to” the likely truth of human evolution … but at this point the major scientific data provides only 2 commonly-described items thus far which “point to” the existence of God. (That’s an example of human doubtfulness–thus the existence of “UN-certainty.”)                               It’s claimed by some people that science has PROVEN that God doesn’t exist. That claim for the proof of God’s non-existence refers to “contradiction” (such as the idea that there are no rare square circles, because squareness “contradicts” the roundness of circles.)  It’s considered by disbelievers that if God existed, God would prevent most or all evil on Earth.  But there’s lots of evil throughout planet Earth, so a concept is that God must not exist . . . because God’s existence would be a contradiction. However, now that scientific information indicates that only God  (but not our universe) is eternal–and since “eternal” is now defined as “outside of time” (apparently a logical definition, in this author’s 1996-dictionary)–a simple, universal system could be set up by a benevolent, eternally-present God “outside of time,” in which things such as evil (and tragic, understandable deaths on Earth from some natural disastrous events such as tornadoes, tidal waves, starvation, and earthquakes) could occur “inside time”–that would also create a situation in which an all-knowing, eternally-present God could set up what’s called in this website as “automatic justice”.  The enormous number of BOTH good and evil occurrences on Earth in the past, present, and future also provides the  ongoing, System-factor of some inner UN-certainty among humans.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               20th-Century Scientific Discoveries Which Indicate that only God is Eternal–since there is evidence now that Eternality doesn’t apply to our Universe.              Besides the two scientific estimates which “point to” the existence of God, the first one–the “Big Bang”–indicates a logical, brand-new, unexpected factor: that the universe we live in is NOT eternal; that’s now a well-founded concept. For millenniums, it’s been thought previously by most humans that the universe we’re in IS ETERNAL. Since we humans live in the universe, and are obviously “inside time,” it was thought (by people who believed in God)  that God was, like humans, “inside time.” But since about 1960, humans began acquiring strong evidence that our universe is not eternal–related to that is this: The definition of “eternal” in dictionaries has begun, more prominently, including the phrase “outside of time.” (For example, the dictionary– “The American Heritage College Dictionary” [3rd edition, Copyright 1993]–has, as its first definition of “eternal,” this: “Having no beginning or end; existing outside time”).                                                     Again … throughout history (prior to the 1960’s), it was commonly thought that our universe was also eternal (as God was), and obviously we humans who lived in the universe weren’t “outside of time”… so it was almost always assumed, by believers-in-God, that the eternal God was also “inside time” (as humans were)–but the definition of “eternal” has, in some dictionaries, recently began including or emphasizing the phrase “outside-of-time,” which would put the  “outside-of-time” God in an “eternal present.” The newer indications described below result in the rational, logical aspect that God has these two qualities: That God is both All-Knowing and Outside”-Of-Time. This “outside-of-time” factor of Eternality also provides an enormous-expansion to the former belief that God was “All-Knowing” (about the details in the  future too) … however, since God was previously considered as certainly “inside-time” (that was a taken-for-granted reality by humans, so it was believed that God WAS eternal, but “inside time”; so the “All-Knowing” belief-aspect applied to the details of the present and past, but not to the future; because details about the future (especially the distant future) was such an-unknowable reality to humans that the belief that God was All-Knowing didn’t apply to details for humans about future “goings-on.”)  But–in addition to the “outside-of- time” concept which resulted from the recent 1960’s evidence that our universe is NOT Eternal ( like God is)–there also took place in the 1970’s discovery that there were billions of galaxies in our Universe … plus an estimated sextillions ( a size of 21 “0’s” after the #1) of planets throughout our universe–telescopic-indications the last few decades revealed that there were billions of planets just in our single, Milky-Way Galaxy–a  present-2014 statistic of the Kepler space-telescope is that there are up to 300 billion planets just in our Milky-Way galaxy). If only one in a  billion of the sextillions of planets in our universe had, or has, or will have intelligent-species like humans–there would be trillions of planets throughout  our universe which formerly contained, or now contains, or will eventually  contain, intelligent species … and those planets might also have millions of other species, as Earth does [from microbe-sized to large animals])–so it “makes sense” that a God who created such an enormous Universe with so many galaxies, planets, and possibly an extremely large number of species–is “All-Knowing” (even–as it turned out–about the  future).  Another aspect which “makes sense” is that–what seems to humans as an amazing, enormous length of time  (13.8 billion years–the age of our universe)– is apparently no big deal to an eternal God “outside of time.”                                                                                                     And now that evidence indicates that our Universe is NOT eternal, the concept that the eternal God is “outside-of-time” makes the sensible “All-Knowing” aspect WAY-BEYOND the level of the human brain in the “inside-time” humanity–that’s because the “All-Knowing” aspect doesn’t just apply to the taken-for-granted human or computer-knowledge about the present and the past on Earth, but God’s AllKnowingness also applies to every detail of the entire, eternal future throughout this HUGE Universe.           These factors also lead to the “makes sense” concept that an eternal (“outside-of-time”), all-knowing God would set up a System in which species in a huge universe (with low I.Q.s, existence throughout millions or billions of years, inability to read or write, and all ages [even youthful teens and pre-teens]) would be able to provide simplistic, “helpful ACTS” to others.                                                                                                       Another common belief about God is that God is everywhere. That has always been an obvious belief, but now that evidence has been accumulated that there are billions of galaxies (and an estimated sextillions–21 zeroes after the number one–of planets [and if many of those planets have, like planet Earth, millions or billions of species–beginning with species which only have a few molecules]–it also is sensible that God IS everywhere.  
In addition to the now-logical indication of God’s existence, the recently-accumulated evidence also indicates a logical, “makes sense” concept that an Eternal God has these two qualities: an “outside-of-time” nature, and all-knowingness. Those factors indicate the next logical idea:                                                                                                         A logical, sensible factor (in the Simple Universal, System) which rejects the idea of a benevolent God’s non-existence (because of the presence of evil in human-life on Earth) is this: A method referred to here as the “perpetual-motion machine”  supports what’s  named in this section as “automatic justice.” The souls of people who chose to perform in the past some “harmful” acts will return to Earth at some point in the near future as different physical beings who have to deal with some negativity–for doing negative stuff previously on Earth. That provides many other people situations in which they can choose to practice positive, helpful-ACTS; those positive actions would provide the positive aspect of a result from “automatic justice.”
An  unexpected, LOGICAL explanation resulting from this recent discovery.       The “belief” for millenniums was that God created an angel, and that this angel (later called the “Devil”) chose to entirely-exercise evil, and created an eternal Hell. And for centuries it’s been “believed” by many people that God was “All-Knowing” (but the above “belief” indicates that the All-Knowing concept didn’t completely apply to the unknown-by-humans future); and the universe was eternal).                                                               But now that the combination of scientific investigations provides a solid-indication that ETERNALITY is “outside of time” and that it “makes sense” that God is “All-Knowing” about the future too . . . there is a logical factor now which disputes the millennial-belief that Lucifer and an eternal Hell (created by Lucifer) existed. Here’s why: God supposedly created an angel who later decided to engage eternally in evil and would form an eternal place which he was in charge of–the place called Hell. But a God who is All-Knowing about the future would KNOW that this angel would eventually choose to be evil and create an eternal Hell—so it figures that a benevolent, all-knowing, “outside-of-time” God wouldn’t  create what was a FUTURE, evil, eternal angel. And so there is NO Lucifer, or HELL.                                                                                                             But–with no Devil–what would a benevolent God set up to deal with harmful, evil actions by intelligent-species throughout the universe ?? That question is why it makes sense that an all-knowing God (about the future also) would have set up the negative aspect for some souls of what’s called here the “automatic justice” method … that would provide future negative consequences to “inside time”, physical people who had eternal souls–souls which had sometimes been in physical people (who chose in the past to do some harmful acts).
This non-existence of the Devil and Hell certainly can’t be proven, because eternal-realities (and very-ancient, Earthly occurrences like evolution … before writing began) aren’t subject to PROOF–but after the recent realizations of the two indications about God’s past, present,and future All-Knowingness, plus God’s “outside of time” Eternality …the nonexistence concepts about the Devil and Hell make sense now–it’s rational.                                                                                                             

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