Plausible, Gradual-Increases in Awareness, And Realized Explanations–(written later, starting in 2015)


I–this author–have had the diagnosis of primary-progressive multiple sclerosis for 30 years, since 1985. I had to quit running my own business of custom-homebuilding in 1992, and got a monthly Social Security payment; I then got a master’s degree in counseling psychology in 1995 (paid for by U.S. government’s Social-Security), but I never got beyond a part-time job, and was laid-off in Jan. 1998. My disease has gradually progressed over the last 30 yrs. (especially in the last 3 years) to much less ability to function “normally”; I haven’t had employment since Jan. 1998, and haven’t had–or driven–a car since 2007.                                                                                                     I needed a walker in 2012 and 2013, and have mostly been on a wheelchair since mid-2014, and I rarely leave my house anymore. In the last 2 years, I have had increasing forgetfulness, mistake-making, poor balance, plus various, moderate pains in the last 2 years. Also, I have less ability to practice computer-use (and present dislike of required choice-making and lowering of energy).                                                                                       But I’ll do the best I can at this point, in 2015. Because of my increasing physical and mental  inability at this time in my life, I dislike and wish to avoid any-more additions on this website. However–for me to provide a variety of helpful-ACTS to relatives, nearby residents, and potential readers worldwide–this later section of more future, related, understandings is being added. It’s an attempt to provide  realizations to readers about this phase-change from Beliefs to Helpful ACTS—so that, hopefully, some readers will choose to practice more Helpful ACTS to their relatives and Earthly-residents in their future.  This section has also been added as a result of the author’s advancing-consciousness, plus the gradual progress of the unexpected nature of my MS-circumstances in the last few months and years.                                                                 The gradual progression of the current reality now of my 30-year primary-progressive Multiple Sclerosis results in the fact that written-additions nowadays are rather un-pleasant for me (because of my symptoms of forgetfulness, mistake-making, discomfort from decision-making, and fatigue) … and it thus takes much longer now then in previous years. But these Section 7-additions are being added because they might be “helpful ACTS” toward some of the readers in the new 4th phase’s future; and it could provide some of the various potential-readers WORLDWIDE with more understandings of “The Simple Universal System.”


Section  7

Late in January 2015                                                                                                            Now that related-evidence has been gathered (mostly scientifically and astronomically throughout the 20th century) the realization since the 1960’s that this universe is Not eternal, (it was usually “believed” on Earth, in the previous, recent centuries that it WAS ETERNAL –before the information and realization gathered in the 20th century), it figures that an understanding of  “What’s Going On?”  can exist now after that gathering. It’s logical. This website is very-lengthy because it provides lots of “back-ups” to the simplicity of a Divine System (which provides a logical emphasis–helpful ACTS– for humans during their physical lives).

Feb. 21, 2015                                                                                                                        5 to 6 centuries ago the planet Earth was often believed to be the central item in God’s creation. And by early 20th century, our “Milky Way” galaxy was claimed to be the ONLY galaxy in the cosmos. Then in 1923, it was said by the American-astronomer Hubble that there were 2 galaxies in this universe; and recently, the Hubble space-telescope (named after the former astronomer) provided information that there are about 125 billions of galaxies in the universe.

Feb. 22, 2015                                                                                                                 There should be a connection between humans who lived during the 4 phases (1—the hunter-gatherer phase; millions of years ago to about 10,000 B.C.; 2—the development phase, from 10,000 B.C till 1200 A.D.– when cultures across the planet began developing; 3, the “beliefs” phase, from 1200 A.D., till about 2,000 A.D.; 4, named here the Helpful-ACTS phase, beginning around 2,000 A.D.). The apparent connection is the need–for all humans throughout history to engage in consumption of food—in order to reduce or eliminate the pain of starvation . . . and to prevent a sooner, future death . The obvious emphasis is for using money to buy food. Money now provides the purchase of millions of different items which are existent these days, but in the first phase—the hunter-gatherer phase, which lasted to about 10,000 years ago—there seems to have been very little or no money throughout this planet back then. So the emphasis among humans during that hunter-gatherer phase was traveling around to accumulate meat (in animals or fish), or various kinds of foods (to avoid starvation, pain of hunger, & a soon death).

Feb. 23, 2015                                                                                                                   The gradual increase worldwide on planet Earth of “global-warming”–in the later 20th and early 21st centuries (resulting in increases in temperatures)–, and strong, negative weathers (tornados, floods, droughts, etc.) has made the practice of helpful-ACTS by humans more important—more and more people throughout the globe need various methods of that helpfulness from relatives or nearby residents.                                                                                                                                                                                     Feb. 25, 2015                                                                                                                        It makes sense that the main emphasis in the Divine System is the Simplicity of Helpful ACTS—that would allow even the slightly-educated or non-educated, intelligent species on this planet or in the Universe to perform during their physical lives the advantageous behavior of Helpful ACTS.

March 4, 2015                                                                                                                     In spite of the continuous-progression of my MS (current symptoms described in this section’s introduction), it’s logical (based on this System’s-explanation) for anyone NOT to commit suicide. Here’s why: because of this apparently “close-enough”-description of the Divine System–put together by the eternal, outside-of-time, all-knowing God–about the past, present and future–it figures that a human choice to control the length of time one stays on Earth (by committing suicide) would be a big mistake; the soul could return pretty-quickly in another physical being to a troublesome life on Earth . . . and much sooner than one could enjoy the comfort of not being subject to negative stuff on Earth (like my MS). Who knows what’ll happen?? . . . only an all-knowing God (about the FUTURE); but NOT committing suicide seems to be a smart, practical decision . . . regardless of psychological depressions and physical pains

March 5, 2015                                                                                                                      A strong example of the level of human-unknowingness about the future to the author was this recently-read item: Back in 1961 (when I was 10 years old in Queens, New York City), it was commonly considered among many USA residents (like President Kennedy), that–after the 1940’s WW II and the Korean war in the early 1950’s—the future would have much peacefulness. Then, a year later in 1962, I was repeatedly trained to lay-down on the classroom floor in order to possibly survive a nuclear-bombing by the Soviets in the “Cuban crisis.” And the following year (1963), President Kennedy was assassinated.

March 15, 2015                                                                                                               For centuries it has been “believed” by many people that God was “ALL-KNOWING.” Recent accumulated evidence about the apparent sextillions of planets throughout the universe–and the enormous number of species on Earth, and the millions or billions of individuals in many of those species . . . and the billions or trillions of cells and neurons in humans (plus the approximate 3 million DNA’s in each person) emphasizes the concept that God must be ALL-KNOWING . . . about the enormous number of details.              The scientific-investigations in the latter 20th-Century–which led to the specific estimate that our universe was about 13.7 or 13.8 billion years old (NOT eternal)–also led to the eventual definition that eternality was “OUTSIDE OF TIME.” The combination that God was both ALL-KNOWING and OUTSIDE-OF-TIME leads to an understanding that God’s “all-knowingness” is way-beyond the level of “knowingness” that humans are capable of (especially since humans can’t know the enormous number of details about the universe’s FUTURE).                                                                                                                           The many late-20th-century realizations about the enormous numbers of species, DNA’s, cells, neurons, and universal-planets increases the UN-certainty of humans–reflecting the earlier question “what’s going on??”–(a question about the present-reality). For about 8 centuries, the majority of humans have reduced the depression of UN-certainty through various BELIEFS. But now that humans will have much a more sense of UN-CERTAINTY–because of awareness that the eternal God’s-knowingness of details includes the future too. Now the significant-reduction of the depressing-nature of Un-certainty depends, more obviously, on more-frequent practice of Helpful-ACTS toward other people by humans, rather than various-beliefs–because Helpful-ACTS now provide a greater sense of certainty for humans.

March 21, 2015 (related to the March 15th-item)                                                            The main reason for the “guess” that it could take up to a couple of centuries for the majority of humans around the world to gradually accept a system that an existent God is actually “outside of TIME”–that centuries-length-guess has to do with the millions-of-years-evolution of the human brain in which the “inside of TIME” aspect became a taken-for-granted reality to humans. A good example was the concept that the ability developed in the last few centuries that there WAS a universe around our solar-system led quickly to the idea that the universe was DEFINITELY eternal. But evidence–and many scientific-conclusions–in the last 50 years led to claims that our universe began 13.7-13.8 billion years ago. That would indicate this universe was inside-of-TIME (like us humans), not eternal.

March 25, 2015                                                                                                               What’s difficult to understand is the very lengthy period of the many-varieties of pains and sufferings that most “good” older people often go through before their deaths, and the quick deaths which often occur for many harmful, “bad” people. Because of these realities, there are many different-conceptions by people of “What’s Going On?”               So why do many “good” people (some of whom have previously-practiced helpful ACTS toward others during their lives) often go through some pains and sufferings prior to their death? That could be related to the behaviors of different physical beings; but their (supposedly eternal) souls were inside previous physical beings during previous centuries  (details about various individuals are just a “guess” by this human-author [but it’s a logical conclusion]; those specific details of the past, present, and future are only known by an all-knowing, outside-of-time God). But a very-reasonable, logical explanation–based on this divine system–is that “good” people who have gone through the pains or sufferings during their recent physical lives are much more content during a longer, relaxing time they’ll probably spend going through a non-physical existence off a planet.

April 5, 2015                                                                                                                          Some DVD’s and magazines (recently watched and read) confirms the increasing-ability–through scientific, technological, and archaeological advances—for humans to realize certain ancient historic changes on planet Earth. The most convincing DVD was a National Geographic DVD headlined “Dinosaurs Unearthed” (it focused on many-details about dinosaurs, including the end of those species about 67 million years ago–resulting from volcanoes).                                                                                                                         This author’s related understandings resulted from these increasing extents of human realizations. On this website, the question “Are there other universes?” was followed by the answer “Maybe yes, maybe no.” But, perhaps, through very-large telescopes on Earth in the future–or more Hubble space-telescopes– humans will be able to view in such a way that the answer to the question could eventually be “yes” OR “no” (without the word “maybe”).                                                                                                                             The advances in the level of human-knowledge indicated in these DVD’s and magazines provides an indication that this apparently strong-knowing of humans is much less than the level that God is ALL “knowing” . . . (even ALL knowing about the future—since eternality is now often defined as“outside-of-time”). The increases of human knowledge in recent centuries and decades reminds one that it’s impossible for humans to eventually be ALL “knowing” also (in a universe which has recently-estimated sextillions of planets). That impossibility of “ALL knowings” by humans strongly-indicates the valuable simplicity of helpful-ACTS by humans.

April 11, 2015                                                                                                                     It figures that an all-knowing, eternal “outside-of-time” God (who created an estimated sextillions [23 zeroes] of planets in this universe) would put together a simple system for intelligent creatures throughout the universe, like humans—to eventually practice simple things like helpful-ACTS–which provides a large, reasonable amount of a sense of strong certainty (“close enough” ). For the last 8 centuries, many humans relied on various, different BELIEFS for that sense of “certainty.” But the many things we now know (which weren’t known in centuries before the twentieth century) can help lead to an understanding of this simple divine system–created by an ALL-KNOWING, OUTSIDE-OF-TIME God. Examples of what we now know are the enormous size of this universe, the estimated 93 million genetic-DNA’s in each human, the speed of light, and obviously many-more of the human knowledge-items now (millions of informative items are available now on websites).                                                                                                             The gradual progression of human knowledge now (largely through technological-advances) can lead to a greater sense of confidence, but the obvious fact that humans are INSIDE-time can result in more UN-certainty. So the switch to a helpful-ACTS phase for humanity could provide a “close enough” sense of certainty for humans during their lives.

April 12, 2015                                                                                                                        An interesting point is that a human who was not ever educated (and can’t even read), and a strongly educated, very intelligent human; will both completely agree on this next factor… that all humans are “inside-time” (and have always been so). The similar attitude—that all humans are inside-time—of both humans would, correctly be, “for sure.”

The idea that an eternal, all-knowing God created an extremely-vast universe with apparently many different species and many unknown details about “What’s Going On?” by intelligent species in that universe … in order to insure a certain amount of UN-certainty and discomfort among them is very logical … because it eventually provides a simplistic choice of Helpful ACTS by both intelligent, educated individuals and non-educated, non-intelligent individuals. That simplicity in the system provides a “close enough” factor of CERTAINTY for these extremely-different individuals.

(This next point first written on April 14, 2015 (related to the first subject on April 11) is being added because it contains an emphasis which increased in the author’s brain almost 4 years after this entire explanation was first begun. This emphasis is that God’s knowledge-level is way beyond any human’s knowledge-level.)                                 There are 2 major factors, : Because of the universe’s extreme enormity that’s now known, the idea that God has what was formerly believed—God’s all-knowingness about all details–throughout what’s now known: that there are an estimated sextillions of planets in this universe . . . that God KNEW would eventually exist.                                                 The second factor–that God is “outside of time”—(the first definition of the word “eternal” in the more recent, 3rd edition [1996] of “The American Heritage College Dictionary” was this: “Having no beginning or end, existing outside time.”)

April 20, 2015                                                                                                                    The human realization nowadays of the enormousness of the universe, and the extremely large numbers of cells in each human (50 trillion to 100 trillion), the 46 chromosomes in each cell, confirms the impossibility of an all-knowing by any individual—no matter how much intelligence, information, and experience any person has. But it figures that the word “PRACTICAL” applies to this “close enough” guess about the simplicity of the Divine System’s set-up. Here’s the practical, logical point: All intelligent species throughout this enormous universe can benefit from the simplicity of practicing or receiving Helpful ACTS.

April 21, 2015                                                                                                                     The change from books to online statements after 500 years (after the 15th-century-invention of “books-printing.”)–that change explains why the 2011 book “Helpful Acts In New Phase” was short to this 63 year-old, but was actually much longer than current informational-contents.

April 29,2015                                                                                                                   The positive results described here are related to the negative results of what’s described as the “Automatic Justice”-factor in the 1st Section of the website.                                             Part of the disbelief in people has to do with the human visibility of obvious, lengthy pains experienced by many positive people (who have practiced helpful ACTS during their lives), during their lives prior to their deaths; and the quickness of death (sometimes) for people who have been harmful to others in their lives. … The simple, positive, logical concept is that helpful-humans will spend more time with their souls not stuck in physical beings which live on physical-planets. But the human visibility in the future of different people has to do with the various positive or negative practices of the physical beings their soul was in during the past. Those positive and negative actions in the past are only known by the “ALL-knowing,” outside-of-time God.                                                                     Many people who have practiced MANY helpful ACTS to others during their lives often die quickly, without having to go through many pains. But people can’t know exactly what will happen in the future to certain humans, or planets and galaxies, and that lack of ALL-knowingness produces the factor of UN-CERTAINTY in humans.                                        That state of UN-certainty can definitely not be completely eliminated in humans by them practicing helpful-ACTS, but UN-certainty can be reduced—so producing more of those helpful-ACTS is the major purpose of this website.

May 2, 2015                                                                                                                         All the letters in the word “ACTS” are capitalized on this website … to repeatedly indicate the switch from an 800-year phase of emphasis on “beliefs” to a new phase–emphasis on helpful “actions” by worldwide individuals.

May 4, 2015                                                                                                                         At the beginning of the 20th-century, it was thought that the Milky-Way galaxy was the only galaxy throughout the entire Universe. Scientists estimate now that there is 100 billion galaxies throughout this Universe.

Aug. 5, 2015                                                                                                                       It’s become gradually obvious that while various humans have realizations of specific truths of details about the the past and present of life on planet Earth, it’s increasingly-obvious that the exact details about each individual’s FUTURE are almost completely unknown by ALL humans (all of them are “inside time”). It figures that an all-knowing, “outside of time” God knows all the future details about each human-individual.