Connected Explanations
Explanations are being included on the website to provide readers with a number of other recent items which also indicate some connections to the Divine System described on this website. In 2013, “Attachments” & Explanations were put in this section to reveal specific-items related to the System (some were originally-written in the 2011Book or 2012 Essay). Some of these “Attachments” can be seen as more modern, recent-indicators of various human attempts to reveal & reduce some of the UN-certainties which humanity faces.
Around the middle of the 800 years-long “beliefs” phase of humans (which began around 1200 A.D.) science and technology started emerging (in the very early 1600’s). It’s LOGICAL that when those scientific and technological abilities advanced during the centuries after 1600, those abilities would eventually advance enough (as they did much more in the 1960’s and beyond) to back-up the likelihood of God’s existence– and 2 of God’s qualities (being “Outside of Time”, and All-Knowing-ness). The key initial back-up for this system in this 4th phase is the former, common 3rd-beliefs-phase item that God exists … and now there is scientific evidence which supports what was formerly only a belief. The increasing development of technological and scientific understandings over the last 4 centuries–and especially since the early 1960’s– eventually led to a CONNECTION between technological advances/scientific discoveries–and to the likelihood of God’s existence. Part of humanity’s future transition worldwide from the prior strong sense of “certainty” from BELIEFS … to gradual acceptance now of the “close enough” aspect (metaphor: “94% to 98%”) of certainty through charitable ACTS by humans. That switch can be better understood by this quote by the U.S. actor Michael J. Fox (Its second sentence was formerly included in the introduction): “I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence I can reach for; perfection is God’s business.”
The 3 Previous Earth-Phases; and Now, the 4th One Historically, there have been 3 lengthy, former phases on planet-Earth–before this 4th one, which began around the years 1980 to 2000. Initially, there was the hunter-gatherer phase (when speech began, and when humanity was moving to continents or islands throughout the globe [the homo-erectus species began leaving Africa about 1.3 to 1.8 million years ago]); the hunter-gatherer phase lasted until around 10,000 BC. That was followed by the 2nd phase–in which people began living in one place year-round, relied on agriculture, formed towns, cities, societies, had wealthy people and warfare, and political people or entities which strove for power. That’s also when people began writing … and forming religious institutions. That phase lasted till around 1200 A.D. The beliefs-emphasis phase, the 3rd one: Beginning around 1200 A.D., humans in Europe began gradually emphasizing beliefs more. The switch in emphasis was most obvious by 1517 A.D., when the Reformation began with Martin Luther. During the next few centuries, there were many more Protestant sects formed–helping people out through actions had various levels of importance in each one, but each of those sects emphasized beliefs first. Increasingly, people tried hard to convert others to the system they believed in; that was normal back then. The eight centuries the previous phase lasted was an understandable length of time back in the previous millennia. But this new 4th phase of “helpful ACTS might take only about 2 or 3 centuries to be somewhat exercised throughout our entire planet–since now almost every place on Earth can be easily communicated to with this short, simple system … through things like the Internet and phones.
Factors About This Present 4th Phase One result of the development of opposites in the human brain is that people tend to put everything related in one of two categories. Most spiritual people have put the containment of both God’s existence and the qualities of God’s nature in the same category right away … because for thousands of years God’s existence and those qualities both totally depended on faith.
Scientists, because of their original, similar brains-evolution to spiritual people, tend to do the same (putting related stuff in a single category). A good example is the fact that most scientists now see the theory of human evolution as also provable; thus, human evolution in the same category as the many smaller species more recently evolved whose evolution is certainly observable–and therefore provable (but the scientific method set up in 1620 by Sir Francis Bacon describes events which occurred long before human testing began–such as the later-described evolution of humans–as UNPROVABLE. Most scientific people engage automatically in the human tendency to put things which seem related in one category–or in its opposite.
The likely Divine System –which has resulted nowadays from the scientific-discoveries of the Universe–the major-effect on humans is what’s called on this website “automatic justice” (that phrase reflects the transition from the centuries-long, common, religious “beliefs” that the physical part of human beings is part of what’s also ETERNAL in humans [like God is], and the common belief that there’s one complete judgment for all present and past-humans much later in history [by the “inside-time” God–just as humans are “inside time”], which sends the eternal, physical-part of human-beings to hell or heaven permanently, or for an eon-long stay in purgatory prior to permanence in heaven [the humorous-attachment is that purgatory is a “temporary-hell”]). That previously-accepted idea, (from the third phase, “Beliefs”)–differs from this website’s logical concept that A) humans consist of many temporary, NON-eternal, physical beings with ETERNAL souls; and B) that the souls have various time-lengths in a place outside of physical existences. That newer concept contains the idea that the souls are repeatedly subject to positive or negative future-outcomes in the Divine System because of previous positive and negative choices by former, “inside-time” physical beings, which had the various souls … to provide help or harm to other humans that each eternal soul was contained in-of (those future-outcomes are referred to in this website as “automatic justice”)–due to the positive or negative choices previously by the “inside-time physical beings. Perfect-knowledge of details about each individual in “A)” and “B)” is certainly impossible for humans–& probably other Universal, intelligent-species also–and to absolutely KNOW the exact-details of God’s System’s process for individuals throughout history … but now that things have been discovered about the Universe, our planet Earth, and the many, more-connected cultures and increasing human-populations on our planet, the “automatic justice”-method “makes sense” (certainly, perfect-knowledge about this process in the divine System isn’t possible for this author, but he figures it’s “close enough” to the likely details of the divine System. It’s a reasonable, logical assumption nowadays–but the reason that it’s just an assumption, not a PROVABLE item is because of the UN-certainty which humans obviously face. The Beethoven-story described further-on in this section is a good, specific example of the idea that people can’t absolutely KNOW the many details about the future of each physical individual (or the later future … people can apply logic to the question “what’s going on?” … but not to “what will go on?” [details of exactly “what” and exactly “when” certain things will happen for individuals & this planet is only subject to “guessing” by humans], since humans are able to learn some details about the past and present, but have not had brain-evolution which enables them to learn the EXACT-details about the future … only the “outside-of-time,” all-knowing God can know those EXACT details) So, did Beethoven’s soul already go back inside another physical-being at some point in the last 187 years? … only that “outside-of-time,” all-knowing God KNOWS. The certainty which people desire isn’t there–because there isn’t absolute-knowledge, through visions or discoveries–as there has been recently about our universe, due to scientific and technological advances–about the past, present and future details which apply to each individual and the apparently eternal souls.
For thousands of years before the 21st Century, many people on Earth acquired their much-desired sense of “Certainty” by choosing to have “beliefs” (but there were many different beliefs in various cultures,’cause beliefs varied worldwide to fit-in to each of the many different cultures). But nowadays the way for all people to achieve that much-desired sense of “Certainty” is through emphasis in the same way throughout the entire world: by “helpful ACTS.” (The lengthy time for switches in emphasis from “beliefs” to “helpful-acts” would probably happen at different times in different places on Earth since UN-certainty about details of future advances–especially in the DISTANT future—is common in humans)–a 3-word remark in the first sentence of the 2011 book is a related factor of this lengthy phase-switch: “It’s Early Yet”. … (In the fifth section on this website, there is what’s titled “Modern, Connected Attachments”–some of the modern, described Attachments which are strongly-connected to the issue of UN-certainty have these numbers: 7, 8, 11, 17, and 18).
More items about the two initial concentrations, including Dictionary-definitions of “logic” and “logical.” For centuries, the mental process of Logic was not used to put-together concepts about what was always previously dependent on religious beliefs; but Logic is something we can now apply to come up with an UNDERSTANDING of the likely Divine System–largely due to the information about our Universe discovered by scientists– in the 2nd-half of the 20th Century–through increasing technological advances and subsequent investigations.
Definitions of “logic” and “logical” in dictionaries often include the word “reasoning.” Here are some of those definitions (in the 1993 3rd edition of the “American Heritage College dictionary”)–first of “logic”: “A system of reasoning: Aristotle’s logic; “A mode of reasoning”; “The formal guiding principles of a discipline, school, or science”; “The study of the principles of reasoning …”; “The relationship between elements and between an element and the whole in a set of objects, individuals, principles, or events: There’s a certain logic to gridlock”. 2 of the 3 definitions of “logical” (In the same dictionary): “Based on earlier or otherwise known statements, events, or conditions; … reasonable: Rain was a logical expectation in April.; … “Reasoning or capable of reasoning in a clear and consistent manner.”
Items about Earth’s “Certainty vs. UN-certainty” Information
First–in this Information–an anthropological-explanation of why & how the “Certainty vs. UN-certainty” concept matters in this Simple System … Certainty and UN-certainty are obviously simplistic OPPOSITES. The likely reality of why human-brains regularly-recognize various opposites might go back about 6 million years to the evolution of the human-brain (this website-author’s assumption is that the recognition of opposites might have become a common element in human brains back when the human-brain was beginning to evolve). A simple example is that back in the late Miocene or early Pliocene epochs (about 5-6 million years ago, when the human brain apparently began evolving), people lived in Africa, and most people probably lived back then in or near jungles–so they had to carefully watch out for large carnivorous animals … but could usually relax somewhat if the large animal they saw was herbivorous. Flesh-eating animals & herbivorous, plant-eating animals were opposites in the category of large, and sometimes dangerous animals–the key aspect of this development of the human brain is the idea that all opposites only consist of two possibilities (as those animals had, scary or not): good/bad, yes/no, 0/1,etc.. There are thousands of “opposites” now in current civilized countries. There is at this time throughout Earth the “digital revolution,” in which millions or billions of “bits”–each “bit” consisting of one of the dualistic opposites (like “0’s” or “1’s”) which exist in things like computers … and cell-phones or smart-phones. A much simpler example of opposites is this: a red light on a street means “stop,” while a green light means the opposite–“go.” Most humans also view as opposites concepts like beliefs/knowings & faith/reason. Both scientists and spiritual people often see their two categories of reason and faith as unconnected opposites … but this prior, unconnected opposite-ness can change now, as a result of the scientific data accumulated since 1960.
It makes sense that God set up an initial sense of UN-certainty in this simple system among intelligent species throughout the universe … so eventually there could be the many more helpful-acts choices by intelligent species such as humans to achieve their much-desired greater sense of certainty. It’s worth describing some of the recent changes between the senses of Certainty and UN-certainty in those two categories: 1st, the Universe–until the 1920’s, it was believed by many scientists and possibly by most spiritual people that our galaxy (the Milky-Way Galaxy) was the only one in the Universe– but, the astronomer Edwin Hubble began using a 100” telescope recently created (built in 1917) at Mt. Wilson, California. Around 1923 he first stated there were other galaxies besides the Milky Way. In 1929 he said there were millions of galaxies. Then in the late 1970’s, (since larger, clearer telescopes had been constantly developed since the 1920’s) viewings indicated that there were actually billions of galaxies. These discoveries provided much-more-obvious certainty about the actual-size of our universe than had been realized in previous centuries. Also, in 1927 and 1929, it was apparently-first-proposed that the universe wasn’t eternal, (like God was–as was commonly believed by many people)–but actually began at a certain point in time. This was ignored back then by the vast majority of scientists, and most other people. In 1949, a theory about the universe’s non-eternality was described. The majority of scientists thought it was untrue, and it was somewhat humorously said by some scientists that this new theory claimed that the universe had begun with a “Big Bang” about 14 billion years ago (the theory’s creator or creators thought the phrase “Big Bang” was a good one, and so it stayed around). Then in the early 1960’s Americans began launching unmanned rockets into space, and measurements revealed that the temperature was about the same throughout the space around Earth. As is often the case, when data leads to an unexpected conclusion, the data is sometimes disbelieved or considered incomplete–but it supported the idea, to physicists, that the universe had a beginning. Then, scientific data–compiled primarily by scientists Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson in 1964–referred to what’s called the cosmic microwave background radiation. They were certain that the radiation they detected on a wavelength of 7.35 centimeters did not come from the Earth, or the Sun, or our Galaxy-they got a Nobel Prize for this in 1978. In 1965, those same scientists discerned that throughout space the temperature seemed pretty much the same … 2.7 degrees Kelvin–2.7 degrees above absolute zero. The Penzias and Wilson data in 1964 and 1965 backed up that theory referred to in the 1950’s as the “Big Bang” (the non-eternality was initially claimed by Georges LeMaitre–a college professor about physics and astronomy in Belgium, and a Jesuit priest–in 1927; and then supported by Hubble in 1929, after his discovery that the entire universe was still expanding). The early estimate was that the universe began about 13.7 billion years ago. Much more data collected in decades after the 1960s led to the vast majority of current scientists agreeing that the universe wasn’t eternal (which was previously-considered a fairly CERTAIN concept by 1960’s scientists and religious people). Nowadays, the newest estimate is that our universe began about 13.798 billion years ago.
2nd, Older, “false” concepts of what was true about our planet Earth: that Earth was the CENTER of the entire Universe; that the planet was flat–not basically round;
3rd, Strictly technological factors–which have provided humans with CERTAINTY about the relationship between the planet Earth, the enormous size of the Universe, and many other understandings since the 20th-Century.
4th, The most-obvious cause of human UN-certainty is the inability of the “inside-time”-humans to know individual, country-wide, or global details of exactly-“when” and exactly-“what” is going to happen in the FUTURE (especially the exact-details–the lengthier the time in the future, the more the inability applies for humans to know the exact-details … and thus increasing UN-certainty . This is true for scientists, religious people, and all other humans … but not for the apparently “outside-of-time,” All-Knowing God.
The “Coincidence” Issue A related item which focuses on this “Coincidence” issue is the monthly inclusion of this 1-page piece in Guideposts magazine–it’s titled “His Mysterious Ways” (and its subtitle is ” MORE THAN COINCIDENCE”–once a month, the choice by workers there is an entry from a reader … which exceeds the lesser “coincidence” idea.) A good example of that was this November 2002 item: it referred to the 1991 attempt by American-soldiers to fight the Iraqis in the Middle-East; as a battalion of Marines prepared to enter Iraq initially, it started raining, and rained intensely for days. At the end of the essay, it said this: “We awoke on the day of the invasion to clear skies and glorious sunshine. As we closed in on the border, we couldn’t help but stare at the astounding sight before us. The torrential rains had washed away the sand to reveal metal disks planted all across our path. It was an Iraqi minefield.” This illustrates the UN-certainty aspect for species like humans in the divine System … did the all-powerful God insert torrential rains to “coincidentally” prevent some future deaths from hidden-explosive metal disks? Did God–with an eternally-present all-knowingness intervene–because God knew that some soldiers would die or be seriously-injured when this problem existed later in the future [who, besides God, KNOWS??0–humans can know details of the past and present, but not details about the future)–that question explains the many levels of intensities in “coincidental-occurrences”, … and the inclusion of certainty vs. UN-certainty in the universal System, among species like humans]) The fact that it had to rain enormously in that place in Iraq then reinforces the idea that this System relies on apparent “coincidence” … rather than an obvious, blunt method to convince ALL humans throughout history to believe in God’s intervention in certain cases. Examples like this illustrate the presence of UN-certainty in the divine System for humans … who certainly don’t know the details about the future. The primary method of God is that many things in the System’s set-up would look (much later in the FUTURE) like they could have been a coincidence–that factor provides a sense of doubtfulness (UN-certainty) in species like humans, so people wouldn’t ascribe their choices of helpful acts to other people, or to their belief in God (or to their belief in what God is all-about)… but to prudently choose to help-out certain right people in their lives. (The reason the word “likely” appears many times before the words “Divine” & “System” in this website reflects the doubtfulness (UN-certainty) idea, because, it’s impossible for humans to absolutely KNOW the details of a System which might have been designed by God during an eternal period–before there was even our universe. But this description–which reflects the existence of a 4th phase on Earth, and that emphasizes Helpful ACTS by the intelligent species of humans–makes sense.) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
It is reasonable that when a species has progressed far enough (like on Earth, by the late twentieth and early twenty-first century) so that it has become capable of developing technological equipment and scientific understandings … it then learns about the simple rational divine system; it makes sense that there’s a switch now on Earth in an intelligent, self-conscious species from an emphasis on beliefs to an emphasis on rationality.
Here’s a couple of quotes which back up the humanitarian-process from a greater sense of UN-certainty to a sense of CERTAINTY in human-history … The first is by Will Durant at the beginning of The Sources of Religion, a section in the fourth chapter of his first book in 1935 –“Fear, as Lucretius said, was the first mother of the gods. Fear, above all, of death. Primitive life was beset with a thousand dangers.” (Lucretius was a Roman poet and philosopher who lived from 99 BC to 55 BC.)
The second quote in the “historical quotes” section reflects the human-emphasis on BELIEFS (during the previous phase … which began around 1200 AD). It was by a pastor PHILIP GULLEY, written in the Guideposts magazine in Oct. 2004—“Fear can keep us up all night long, but faith makes one fine pillow.”
In the December 2008 issue of Discover magazine–there is this sentence: “Physicists don’t like coincidences.” In chapters 1 and 3 of the 2011 book, it was noted that all people like the definiteness of opposites, which fits with the evolution of the human brain–this indicates that people much prefer certainty, rather than the possible UN-certainty of various “coincidences.” The Discover quote indicates how strongly that factor applies to scientists. too.
“CERTAINTY” versus “UN-certainty”: For thousands of years, many people acquired the much-desired sense of “certainty” by having “BELIEFS” (but there were many different beliefs,’cause they varied worldwide to fit-in to the many different cultures). But now the earthly-cultures are more connected to each other (through more, similar lifelike and economic conditions, cell-phones, fairly-inexpensive long-distance communications, knowledges about the entire planet Earth, etc.); so nowadays the way for all people to achieve that much-desired sense of “certainty” is through a method which is similar worldwide: “helpful ACTS”. So a switch now from “beliefs”-emphasis to the “helpful acts”-emphasis makes sense.
10-30-13, and 2-23-14–The less-apparent “Fairness” method in this System–related to many human lives. One of the most confusing items about the process of lives and deaths of humans is the lengthy pains, misfortunes and discomforts that good (and even decent) people often go through–usually during their later lives. That contributes to the reason why many people firmly believe that after they die they will permanently be in an existence in places like heaven. The idea that there could eventually be a return of some kind to a place like planet-Earth is rejected in most belief-systems; that rejection is also understandable because harmful people often seem to die rather quickly, like many others. But this previously-described occurrence DOES make sense because of this aspect of the Simple System: The lengthy pains and misfortunes experienced by decent, good people–plus those who choose in the present or future (or have previously chosen in the past) to perform “helpful acts”–makes them very grateful during a lengthy, comfortable stay in places like heaven (after their physical lives) –probably NOT on places like Earth. (it’s obviously impossible for humans to know–since we’re all “inside time” and certainly not ALL Knowing– this aspect of personal details of individuals throughout history in this likely Divine System … but a “makes sense”-possibility is that–to some extent– beings who provided certain “helpful” acts to other beings who lived on Earth during or soon afterwards the life of that being who ended up providing those “helpful” acts to people who lived around the same time as that person lived … might enjoy a lengthy, comforting period in heaven. But to enjoy such a lengthy period (without things like boredom) , those beings which helped others might go through some very-disliked factors during that previous physical life, so they would mostly like it that “they’re done” with that former life. (Again–as first mentioned in the first section on this website–it’s impossible for humans to KNOW with certainty the many details for each individual of this Divine System–particularly throughout history. But the application of LOGIC in this spiritual-area could be applied now due to knowledgeable-certainties resulting from 20th-century technological and scientific advances … but the individual details can only be ASSUMPTIONS, since newer-certainties have not been accumulated in that area. Only the all-knowing, OUTSIDE-OF-TIME “Creator of this System” knows precisely how-long each individual person will remain in comforting reality before its soul will return inside a physical being to a physical world.) A famous example of of the previously-mentioned possibility is about the classical-composer Beethoven. Many of his symphonies, sonatas, & other creations are still-enjoyed by many people nowadays …187 years (in 2014) after he died in 1827. In the last 27 to 31 years of his physical-life, he gradually suffered from increasing hearing difficulties … in the last 16 years of his life, he’s historically-determined to have suffered from complete deafness–by around 1811. That’s an extremely negative factor in life for this famous classics-composer. (This next paragraph was added by author in later July & early August 2014) The issue of the apparent “un-fairness” for many people of the System in the present and past–followed by the previous description of the Beethoven-example–creates the likelihood that life on Earth can involve many varieties of pain and misfortune –sometimes through rather lengthy periods–for many positive, “helpful ACTS” by individuals during physical lives. Many individuals on Earth in its later centuries increasingly go through lots of years with “old age” now (in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, etc.–there can be increasing levels and occurrences of pain-elements in those years or decades). Why?– those long-lasting pain-elements could be related to an enjoyed length of time in a future non-physical existence during a long-lasting pleasant peaceful existence, or to past (& possibly future?) helpful physical-behaviors–by beings which have that same eternal soul inside them. That’s logical; it makes sense. Another similar procedure of lengthy elements of pain and misfortune can be related to the past, future, or present physical lives which included HARMFUL acts toward others (it also makes sense that rapid return to a less-peaceful physical life could result from harmful-acts) … who knows? Only the all-knowing, eternally-present God can KNOW the past and future realities of all individuals on Earth and in the enormous universe (that factor of un-knowingness by humans explains one reason why “religious beliefs” have been depended on by intelligent creatures on Earth for several millennia. … This paragraph describes a most-likely reality faced by humans–but again (as written in the first section), the entire System described in this website isn’t perfect, but it’s “close enough,”–considering what we now know. Atheism has during previous millenniums been considered a NON-belief–but the concept that God does not exist is also in the category of “beliefs” (like many religious beliefs, it has provided throughout history on Earth for some people the desired, internal sense of strong Certainty). Even a person’s belief that God doesn’t exist doesn’t prevent soul-advancement–and possibly future soul-rewards if that person chooses to take actions which help others get through life–but it has one large disadvantage: the disbelief in God’s existence could make this simple system very hard to accept for those people, which could lead to a greater rejection of helping others through actions, and being somewhat harmful to other people–the possible result of that choice during the next life (or later lives … who [besides God] knows?) is what’s called on this website “automatic justice” (it’s called “automatic” because the logical concept is that an ALL-KNOWING, “OUTSIDE-OF-TIME God wouldn’t need to make constant decisions about the upcoming futures of each human–each individual’s future would depend “automatically” on the choices each previous physical-being made to be mostly helpful or harmful to others). The primary result, logically, of HARMFULNESS to others is that it would likely lead to more of what’s referred to here as the negative effect of an”automatic justice” occurrence to the supposed, eternal souls in humans during future lives. As mentioned before, in previous lives during history some people in different cultures achieved the desired, greater sense of certainty with various beliefs … but some people throughout history achieved that desired sense of strong certainty through atheism—an incorrect BELIEF (though it’s often referred to as an UN-belief). One major reason atheism has been on Earth throughout human-existence is a result of the obvious-visibility of what’s called on this website the “Perpetual Motion Machine”–that apparent divine method (in which negative factors can occur to presently-alive humans resulting from the negative-aspect of “automatic justice” to earlier physical-humans (with an eternal soul) who chose to perform some harmful acts previously to others; but to the physical humans who are “inside time” –but only exist for about a century–such events seem so terrible to humans that it’s believed by some humans that there IS NO God. ________________________________________________________________________
There are a number of “Why Now?” factors mentioned in Chapter 4 of the 2011 book “Helpful Acts In New Phase” (much of the text of which is written-out later on this website). Here’s an explanation of the “Why Now?” (21st Century) factors:
A “why now?” factor is the recent, slightly-increased difference between “beliefs” and “faiths”: for thousands of years, faiths and beliefs were seen as completely in reference to the exact-same mental-reality–neither were at all PROVABLE, (the idea that this is still mostly the case is indicated by the BELIEFS in this System-description: that there is a God who set up this System about 13.798 billion years ago; that God is completely knowing and eternally-present (that final item is reflective of the “outside of time”-idea resulting from the 1960’s discovery that our universe is almost-surely NOT eternal). But there’s only a few major-indications SO FAR that there is at times a difference between faiths and beliefs–this low reality is reflective of the UN-certainty issue for humans of the System’s set-up. Here’s three: The first one is the 16th-century-discovery that our planet wasn’t flat (as most people believed), but round (that wasn’t realized until lengthy sails were viewed by other boat-sailers–that a ship came from the opposite-direction of the one they were on; the following two were the 1960’s discovery that the universe had a beginning about 13.7 billion years ago (other than the centuries-long belief that the universe WAS ETERNAL), and the 1970’s realization (through telescopes) that there were billions of galaxies, and later, the fact that our galaxy had billions of planets. Thirdly, in January 2014 there was another related understanding by this author: In the 91st Psalm in “the BOOK OF PSALMS” in the Bible’s Old-Testament, there was this part of the sentence in Verse 13–” … the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.” (this English-translation occurred in the early 17th-Century; the original “Book Of Psalms” was written in some other language from approximately 1410 B.C to around 430 B.C.) This is being included here because it’s another indication of the gradual change in human understandings over centuries: A 2013 scientific discovery, based on radiometric dating analysis by scientists, claims that dinosaurs became extinct 66,038,000 years ago, plus or minus 11,000 years.